
Why Major in Sociology?

The BA in Sociology—with its broad scope of study topics including social change, group relations, social problems, urban dynamics, immigration, social inequality, family systems, majority/minority relations, religion, and others—offers students skills that will enable them to be effective agents of transformation in any sector of society. Jobs are often found in business, social services, health services, law, community development, government, the non-profit sector, international relations, education, and research. The BA in Sociology is a valuable asset in the pursuit of a fulfilling career in promoting human flourishing. To learn more about sociology, watch this video by the American Sociological Association: "Sociologists on Sociology."

Mallory Jacoby
“The supportive and warm environment that my professors created in their classrooms made learning come effortlessly. They challenged our views and pushed us to search for answers where things seemed bleak. Eastern helped to form the lens that I use in my professional life.”

Mallory Jacoby '16, Oncology Social Worker

Why Choose a Small College?

Graduate in 3 Years!

Graduate in 3 years, lighten your course load, or easily double major with Eastern University FastPass.


Sociology seeks to equip students with critical thinking and analytical skills that enable them to understand human behavior as shaped by social forces, structures, and processes, and to integrate that understanding with the Christian faith as they strive to improve people’s life chances.