Policy on External Department Websites

Eastern University does not permit individual departments to create external websites (i.e., Google Sites, Wix, Squarespace), except in very rare and unusual circumstances that have been pre-approved by the Marketing & Communications office. All department webpages should be housed within the University-owned and operated websites (i.e. eastern.edu,  palmerseminary.edutempleton.eastern.edu goeasterneagles.com,  my.eastern.edu.)

Departments are encouraged to first explore the website options already available through the University. If a department believes that their needs cannot be met by these options, please fill out the form below before proceeding with the creation of an external site. If your request is approved, you are also required to add the Marketing & IT teams as administrators of the external website, in order to ensure oversight and long-term sustainability despite personnel transitions. 

Form: Request for Approving External Website