Get a head start on college while you are still in high school!

Eastern University’s Dual Enrollment program will give you the opportunity to take college courses on campus that can satisfy both high school and college course requirements.

  • Fall Applications are due by June 1. Spring Applications are due by November 1.
  • Complete the Dual Enrollment Application
  • Check with your Guidance Counselor to see if the college course can be counted towards any high school graduation credit requirements
  • Submit an official High School transcript with overall GPA 
  • Obtain approval from School Administrator and Parent or Legal Guardian

Benefits of Dual Enrollment

Transitioning from high school to college is made easier by participating in Dual Enrollment.  Some advantages include: 

  • Giving you time to prepare for the collegiate academic expectations
  • Allows you to hone time-management and study skills needed to succeed in a college environment
  • Gaining advanced academic standing in undergraduate studies
  • Potentially earn college credits, and reduce the number of college course you may need to take

Transferring Credits

Your credits at Eastern University are already part of your official transcript, so you will be earning credits toward your intended major. If you decide not to attend Eastern University following graduation, we can help you transfer to the college or university of your choice. 

For additional information contact the Eastern University Registrar Office at (610) 341-5853 or email

Apply for Dual Enrollment!

Submit this online form to apply for the Dual Enrollment Program.