Message from our President

Ron MatthewsDear friends and partners,

I am pleased to share with you our strategic plan for the next five years of Eastern University’s unique contribution to higher education. The title of this plan reflects our collective hope for what we will accomplish together: Inspire. Innovate. Impact. The 2022-27 Strategic Plan of Eastern University.

The success of our previous strategis has provided Eastern with a stable foundation to continue to build on our strengths. Our rich legacy has always included a strong community,  forward-looking approaches to education, and Christ-centered engagement with the wider global society. After spending the last year updating and clarifying our Mission, Vision, and Values, Eastern is soundly positioned to move forward in living out this calling.  

The development of this plan has been a community effort, strengthened by the active participation of many people who care about Eastern University. I am grateful to the faculty, staff, students, alumni, and Board members who participated in the collaborative process of creating and refining the plan’s five pillars that will guide and shape our energies in the upcoming season.

As I look ahead to the next five years, I am filled with joyful anticipation. Together with the Eastern University community, I look forward to advancing our mission, innovating with excellence, cultivating community, flourishing employees, and funding strategically.  

Here’s to the next chapter of preparing graduates to impact the world through faith, reason, and justice.

With gratitude,

Ronald A. Matthews

Eastern's strategic plan is inspired by our Vision, Mission, and Values.