What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy is a discipline that aims to promote health by enabling people to perform meaningful and purposeful activities. In its simplest terms, occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (occupations) (www.aota.org).
What is Pre-Occupational Therapy Education?
Pre-occupational therapy education provides students with a sound background in the natural and social sciences necessary for admission to an occupational therapy program. Essentially, it involves a defined set of pre-requisite courses. Eastern University intentionally does not have a formal “Pre-Occupational Therapy” major. Instead, the pre-requisite courses are incorporated within the course work required of other majors, such as biology, psychology, athletic training and exercise science. This allows students to obtain knowledge and skills in an area that will allow them to obtain a job related to their major, if, for whatever reason, graduate school attendance needs to be deferred. A degree in “pre-occupational therapy” or “allied health” limits the scope of what one can do upon graduation.
What is Occupational Therapy Education?
Occupational Therapy (OT) professional education refers to the education that prepares graduates for entry into practice of occupational therapy. All OTs must receive a graduate degree from an accredited occupational therapist program before taking the national licensure examination that allows them to practice.
Presently, entry level occupational therapy education programs are offered at 2 degree levels; Doctor of Occupational Therapy (DOT) Degree and Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT). Both degree programs prepare students to be eligible to sit for the OT Licensure examination in all 50 states.
2 Tracks for Pre-OT
Eastern offers 2 Pre-Occupational Therapy tracks, depending on what you'd like to major in. Explore the track of your choice below: