Writing Center
Located in the Academic Resource Center, Warner Library 300
If you've ever said, "I wish someone else were available to look at this paper before I hand it in" or "I wonder if my writing will make sense to anyone else," then the Writing Center is for you!
At the Writing Center, writing assistants work with students in a personal, one-on-one environment, helping students improve writing basics such as punctuation, structure, and documenting sources. In addition, they identify areas of strength and weakness, and solve problems with written expression. The goal is to help students improve their writing skills and become more proficient in reviewing and revising their own work.
The goal of the Writing Center is to help students improve their writing skills and become more proficient in reviewing and revising their own work.
Access the Writing Center
Accessing the Writing Center
All students will use WCOnline to make appointments and submit papers! We are open Monday through Friday, 9AM-5PM. If you have any questions, please email euwrites@eastern.edu; we will get back to you within 24 business hours.
Additionally, we have a 24/7 resource available for you to use at all times on Brightspace with tutorials, workshops, and other resources. Learn how to add the course to your page.
Traditional Undergraduate Students
In the spring semester, we will be open starting January 21st. Traditional Undergraduate should schedule appointments through the Writing Center Schedule. To access the calendar system found here, you will need to sign in using your Eastern University login (if you have never used WCOnline before, log in with your Eastern credentials and create an account!). Unless specified, all appointments will be in person in Warner 300.
Students may schedule up to 2 appointments a week (30 minutes or 1 hour each). No exceptions will be made to this.
Graduate and Online Undergraduate Students
The Online Writing Center will be open starting January 13th through WCOnline via the "Online Writing Center (Spring 2024)" schedule. All papers will be reviewed asynchronously through submitting your paper and receiving comments on that paper. We are able to take appointments by request and only from brainstorming and outlining. We will respond within 72 business hours to all requests. If you have any questions about the submission process, please email euwrites@eastern.edu.
Students may upload 1 paper a day and up to 2 a week. No exceptions will be made to this.
Happy Writing!
Our Mission
The Eastern University Writing Center is committed to equipping students with lifelong writing skills and, accordingly, desires to facilitate student learning rather than merely to "edit" student papers. We have a knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and compassionate staff who enjoy talking to students about their ideas and writing. In fact, you can visit the Writing Center at any point in your composition process--from brainstorming to documenting sources to final editing!