Ron MatthewsCongratulations on your decision to attend Eastern University. EU is a vibrant, compassionate, Christian academic community committed to faith, reason, and justice in service to God and the world. Having been at Eastern since 1992, serving as a faculty member, department chair, and division executive director, I am honored to serve as the 10th President of Eastern University. 

The greatest commandment states that we should love God with all of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind, and all of our strength. Our outstanding faculty demonstrates that kind of holistic engagement that leads to the second commandment to love our neighbors, even our enemies, as ourselves. Jesus Christ offers us the most transformational relationship ever entrusted to humanity. He “is the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) Education at Eastern is about transformation. 

Eastern is a place of inquiry, listening, debating, thinking, and growing in the discernment and formation of beliefs, values, interests, skills, careers, and service.  Learning requires a patient commitment to study; it requires time. Learning is a direct investment in your future and a corrective to the increasing pace and compression of life.  

I hope that you will take advantage of the tremendous resources available through our multiple campuses, colleges, travel opportunities, major and minor programs, performing arts ensembles, athletic teams and clubs, regional cultural institutions, churches and natural beauty. 

May God bless you as you join and contribute to the Eastern experience!

The world needs you. The world needs Eastern U!

Welcome to Eastern University!

Ronald A. Matthews, DMA