Faculty Spotlights
September 2021: Podcast Interview with Dr. Bradstreet
David Bradstreet was interviewed by Ryan Thomas Nissley on Faith Radio about asteroids, planetary rings, Mars exploration and God as Creator and Sustainer. Listen to the interview.
January 2020: Podcast Interview with Dr. Bradstreet
Ryan Thomas Nissley conducted an interview with Dr. Bradstreet called "Creator and Sustainer" on Faith Radio. Listen to the podcast.
August 2019: Podcast Interview with Dr. Bradstreet
Ryan Thomas Nissley conducted a 26-minute interview with Dr. Bradstreet called "How the stars declare His glory" on Faith Radio. Listen to the podcast.
August 2019: Excerpt from Bradstreet's book Star Struck featured on Biologos
BioLogos, an organization dedicated to helping people see the harmony between science and faith, recently featured an excerpt from Star Struck by Dr. David Bradstreet and Steve Rabey. The excerpt was titled "Faith Factor: The Untold Story of the Space Race." Read the excerpt.
July 2019: Bradstreet & Sanders were primary teachers at the annual Spitz Institute for planetarium directors
Dr. David Bradstreet and Steve Sanders were primary teachers at the annual Spitz Institute for planetarium directors who have Spitz SciDome planetarium installations. About 60 planetarium people attend over a two-week period to learn about the intricacies of working with SciDomes and how to effectively use them in their varied institutions. This summer marked the 12th time Bradstreet and Sanders were instructors at the institute.