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Course NumberCourse NameCredit
CHEM 121, 122General Chemistry I,II3,3
CHEM 123, 124WGeneral Chemistry Lab I,II1,1
CHEM 211, 212Organic Chemistry I, II3,3
CHEM 213W, 214Organic Chemistry Lab I,II1,1
CHEM 231Quantitative Analysis or 
CHEM 304Chemistry Laboratory Management1
CHEM 320, 322Biochemistry I and Lab3,1
CHEM 380Instrumental Analysis4
 Subtotal Credit Hours:   25
ACCT 207Principles of Accounting I3
BUSA 221Business Statistics3
BUSA 311Business Ethics and Leadership3
BUSA 350Business Law3
BUSA 480Business Strategy & Policy3
ECON 203Macroeconomics3
FINA 350Finance for Managers3
MKTG 202Principles of Marketing3
 Choice of BUSA 321, MKTG 305 or BUSA 3403
 Subtotal Credit Hours:27
BUSA 495Internship or3
CHEM 495/425WInternship (3) and Project presentation (1) or4
CHEM 420/425WChemical Research (3) and Project Presentation (1)4
CHEM 450Chemistry Seminar1
 Total Credit Hours:56-57

Recommended Schedule:
Chemistry sequence can be started in first or second year with CHEM 121/123. Business sequence begins with ACCT 207.