The average college student spends about one-third of the classes they take on their General Education (GE) Core. Required by university accreditors across the nation, the GE Core is designed to provide a well-rounded, holistic educational experience across key areas of study. Rather than a long list of boxes to check before students move on to classes in their major, a dynamic core curriculum should be engaging, empowering — and easy to manage.
This was our vision when we transformed our GE Core curriculum this year. The changes are designed to help students better manage their schedules, increase class scheduling options, take courses that interest them, and consolidate core requirements — allowing students to focus on their interests and earn their degrees more conveniently. The revised core also makes it easier than ever before for transfer students to seamlessly transition into Eastern’s programs.
The new GE Core allows students to use some required major-specific credits toward their General Education credit bank, while also increasing the menu of classes available for each GE category. These adjustments reduce the required course load of “special” General Education Core credits that students must acquire in order to graduate — thus making life easier for students. Required classes are divided into three categories of Faith, Reason, and Justice, based on Eastern’s core values. Eastern is working every day to offer educational quality that is also convenient and affordable. In 2018 we launched Eastern FastPass,TM which provided groundbreaking new options for graduating early, double majoring, or lightening course loads through free online summer classes. Our new General Education Core is another strong step in that direction.
Learn More about the new GE core curriculum at
This article was originally featured in the Spring 2020 Edition of Eastern Magazine. View the full magazine here.