If you have a concern or question about a specific charge on your student account, you are encouraged to contact the charging department directly in order to understand the assessment. Below is a list of the departments who assess charges to your student account.
Book charges: Book Store: eastern@bkstr.com
E-Card: Service Stop: servicestop@eastern.edu
Green Energy Fee: Student Development: studev@eastern.edu
Hall Fines: Housing Office: housing@eastern.edu
Health Insurance: Health Center: hlthctr@eastern.edu
Housing Assessments: Housing Office: housing@eastern.edu
Financial Aid Awards: Financial Aid Office: finaid@eastern.edu
Key Replacements: Housing Office: housing@eastern.edu
Late payment Fees: Student Accounts Office: student.accounts@eastern.edu
Library Fine: Library 610.225.5041
Parking Permits/Fines: Security 610.341.1737
Service Charges: Student Accounts Office: student.accounts@eastern.edu