Your BS natural science degree program at Eastern University opens up a variety of exciting options, including accelerated 4+1 tracks to earn a Professional Science Master (P.S.M.) from Temple University in a variety of innovative growth areas:
- BS Biochemistry + PSM Biotechnology
Studies of breakthrough technologies to address the world’s problems
- BS Biochemistry + PSM Bioinformatics
Expertise in programming and genomics in an information age
- BS Biology or BS Biochemistry + PSM Bioinnovation
Cross-training for scientists in entrepreneurship
Scientific Writing
- Any BS science degree + PSM Scientific Writing
Advanced training in effective communications of STEM
- Rigorous, innovative training in the natural sciences within a Christian liberal arts institution.
- Options to double major or minor in another area such as business, data science, computer science, or communication studies.
- Specialize in the most useful skills needed to lead in these areas, including courses in structural bioinformatics or ethics and policy in biotechnology from the Temple University College of Science and Technology, a world-class research institution.
- Free summer online courses toward your undergraduate degree in Eastern’s FastPass Program to balance your workload.
How it Works
- Eastern University students admitted to any of these fast track programs undertake graduate work at Temple University beginning in their junior year at Eastern – one evening course per semester. After graduating from Eastern, students continue in the Temple graduate program full-time for a fifth year to complete the graduate master’s degree. Entrance is guaranteed and no GRE exam is required.
- Travel easily between Eastern and Temple when needed using the convenient train line.
- The first graduate course in the Fall of your junior year introduces you to advanced skills in the field. You can decide then if you want to continue in the track, switch to another, or move in a different direction with your natural science degree program at Eastern.
- Cost of the first year of graduate studies during the accelerated program is less than that of a non-accelerated master’s track and is fixed during your undergraduate studies.
- No commitment -- you can opt out of the accelerated track at any time.
Masters-level scientists serve as managers and leaders in industry, government, and academia in both for-profit and non-profit sectors. With an advanced background in a professional STEM area, graduates will be equipped to work on problems in the areas of business, policy, research, or communications.