Eastern Professor Pete Enns Featured as Scholarly Expert in Netflix MiniSeries Depicting Story of Moses

Pete EnnsEastern University’s Dr. Pete Enns, Professor of Biblical Studies, is featured in the new Netflix documentary mini-series, Testament: The Story of Moses. The mini-series depicts the powerful biblical redemption story of Moses, showing the journey of his life and eventual recognition as a prophet. 

The three-episode series explores the life of Moses from his exile as an outcast and murderer, to eventual prophet and liberator, diving deeper into both the epic tale, as well as the inner thoughts and emotions Moses reveals related to his own identity and struggles with self-doubt. The documentary is not only educational, but emotionally moving as well. 

Throughout the story, experts are interviewed to share their academic expertise on the story being shown. This is where Dr. Enns shares his knowledge with viewers. 

Dr. Enns is a biblical scholar who teaches and writes on the Old Testament, New Testament, Second Temple Judaism, and the intersection of biblical studies with contemporary Christian faith.

His active engagement in public speaking on topics pertaining to Christian faith, and writing and editing of over a dozen books, articles, and essays has made him a knowledgeable source on topics pertaining to the Bible. His knowledge shines through in his commentary on the Netflix series. 

"I appreciated being invited to be  part of such a diverse group of scholars and religious leaders, and to offer my perspective on the exodus story, as well as serving the project as a historical consultant,” says Dr. Enns. “I’ve never been a part of something of this magnitude, and it was a lot of fun!”

Throughout the series, Dr. Enns discusses topics related to choosing to worship one God, the building of Noah’s ark, the tension between Israel’s God, Yahweh, and the gods of Egypt, the symbolism of the serpent swallowing up Egyptian royalty and power, and more. 

“The plagues are really showing Israel’s God flexing his muscles against the Egyptian Pantheon,” says Dr. Enns in the documentary, “Because these plagues represent Egyptian deities.” He cites the example of the first plague turning the Nile River, the life of Egypt, to blood.

Hear more of Dr. Enn’s insights and commentary by watching the documentary on Netflix.

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