Top 5 Favorite Places on Campus

It’s no secret that Eastern’s charming campus leaves a lasting impression. Think back to your strongest memories of Eastern – what places on campus come to mind? Is it the beloved Breezeway where a formative late night conversation occurred? Maybe the Eagle statue where your mother made you painfully pose for a photo as a freshman? Or perhaps your senior year dorm room where you frantically opened a highly anticipated email and read the words, “You’re hired!”? 

Place is powerful. It has the ability to make us or break us, to mold and shape us into who God has called us to be. We believe that Eastern’s campus is full of special spots like these that enrich the lives of our students and leave lasting impressions long after the final notes of Pomp and Circumstance have faded. So naturally we wanted to know, what are these places?

Through social media and a dining commons poll, we surveyed our current students and alumni in order to find out their favorite places on campus and what makes them so special.

Originally built as a billiard room for Charles Walton’s family, the Prayer Chapel now provides a quiet, dedicated space to connect with God. Here you may find individuals praying in the pews, musicians worshipping at the front, or small groups gathered together for a special service or prayer meeting. A plaque on the wall encompasses the vision of the small chapel: “May this be the place where our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ becomes a reality to each of you who worships here.”

“It's often difficult in college to find quiet places. I find a lot of balance being able to center myself in a place so still. The prayer chapel is definitely a holy space.”

Molly Koerber ’21

Built in 1912 as part of the Walton Estate, the Waterwheel is one of the few working waterwheels in the country and is listed on the National Registry of Historic Waterwheels. It was originally used in Walton’s leather tanning business, as well as for irrigating flower beds, powering fountains on the estate, and even sending water to the St. Davids train station. The Waterwheel is now one of Eastern’s classic identifying landmarks and adds to the historic charm of the campus.

“I had a picture of the Waterwheel on a card in my room that I received from admissions after applying in my senior year of high school. Every day I looked at it and prayed, hoping that Eastern was God's will for me. Now, when I see the actual Waterwheel on campus, I remember to be patient and know that God is good and faithful.”

Maggie Rafidi ’22

Defined by twinkling string lights, handcrafted picnic tables, and scattered boulders, The Grove is a recent addition to Eastern’s landscape. Its peaceful atmosphere, coupled with the sound of running water from the stream, provides students with a quiet place in nature to study, relax, or socialize. The Grove also provided a special setting for an outdoor Wednesday Night Worship event that was held here last year.

“I enjoy the peacefulness and serenity of The Grove. The picnic tables surrounded by nature make for an excellent place to study, pray, and gather.”

Nicholas Horinko ’20

The newly-turfed Olson Field is home to the majority of our Division III Middle Atlantic Conference sports teams. On a beautiful day, the fields come alive with the shouts of players and cheers from dedicated fans perched on Kea-Guffin hill. Olson Field also provides space for a variety of pick-up games, such as ultimate frisbee and pick-up soccer.

“I made some of the best memories of my life here. My closest friends to this day are the guys I spent time with on the field. A big part of who I am today can be credited to the time I spent on Olson Field.”

Dave Hoger ’12

Situated behind Charles Walton’s former home, now known as Walton Hall, this beautiful terrace and lake are an iconic and beloved part of Eastern’s campus. Willow Lake was originally a swimming pool for the Walton family and has a concrete bottom and sides. Students can be found studying, journaling, playing guitar, or engaging in conversation by the water’s edge. In the spring, the terrace is home to Senior Chapel and outdoor classes on nice days.

“It was right in front of this pond where I told my parents this was where I wanted to go to school, where I'd sit on the bench reflecting on life, and where I would later fall in love with my now husband. I am forever grateful for everything Eastern has given me.”

Abby Travers ’14 (and Andrew Travers ’15)

This article was originally featured in the Fall 2018 Edition of Eastern Magazine. View the full magazine here.