“I really loved the practical application of the modules. I knew that each lecturer was a leader in the field and very willing to help and answer questions. As a student from South Africa, I am extremely grateful for how easy it was to integrate and apply. The staff were so accommodating and helpful. The Business Analytics concentration modules were fantastic! Very practical and useful to many tasks I need to fulfill.”

Gianfranco Vizzini - MBA Business Analytics '24; Business Product Analyst

“The self-paced aspect is a lifesaver – the convenience of the program doesn't compromise the quality of education I'm receiving. As a single mother of three working full-time, it's the only way I would have been able to continue my education. I already have a much clearer understanding of the organization I work for as a whole. The insights into how the business operates in all areas have provided a "bigger picture" that I'm able to use in my current role and beyond.”

Robin Mercado - MBA Current Student; Sales Development Rep

“The MBA program is challenging but gives you all the resources you need to be successful. I own a business and have a family; so, the flexibility of the program was one of the main reasons why I chose this program. I was immediately able to apply concepts from classes to real-life situations, specifically from the Innovation and Design and the Strategic Marketing Management courses. This is not a degree that you have to wait until after graduation to apply the concepts. Whatever you learn, you can apply in real-time the moment you learn it.”

William Burton - MBA Current Student; Business Owner / Entrepreneur

“In the MBA program, I developed strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills that continue to help me through my current role at Eastern and will help better prepare me for my future. The program also provided great networking opportunities, especially between peers, which makes a big difference!”

Destiny Martin - MBA Healthcare Current Student; Executive Assistant for Chief of Staff and VP for Planning and Effectiveness  

“My studies have broadened my perspectives and understanding of the different types of mindsets in the business environment. As an intrapreneur with an entrepreneur-style of thinking in my management styles and small business ownership, I felt reassured and empowered to be who I am in the business world, to have confidence and to impress others through hard work and knowledge gained.”

Allen McGrath - MBA Current Student; Deputy Sheriff & Self Employed

“Everything about the program is accessible – you have access to the materials 24/7, which is very convenient. The Faith Integration component embedded in each module is a wonderful supplement to the program, a welcome reminder that brings things back into perspective about our individual place in a grander plan.”

James Koon - MBA Business Analytics Current Student; Tax Expert Lead