The Campolo Center for Ministry is a diverse, Christ-centered community of students who want to grow in their faith and be used by God in the world. Students from a variety of majors and disciplines gather for weekly Bible study, prayer, and worship-- as well as retreats, special events, and practical ministry experiences. This Presidential Scholar cohort provides fellowship, discipleship, mentoring, and spiritual formation.

Christ-centered Community, Spiritual Formation, Ministry Praxis

Campolo Fellows have the opportunity to learn and grow through:

  • Friendship and faith formation with other students in committed Christian community 
  • Spiritual direction, discipleship, and support from the Campolo Center Staff
  • Mentoring and service opportunities with local pastors, churches and leaders

Campolo Fellows Annual Rhythms 

  • Semester Retreats to nurture wholeness and cultivate spiritual practices (e.g. worship, prayer, rest, play, service, wonder, Scripture reflection, creativity, joy, beauty, and fellowship)
  • Monthly Meals for fellowship, learning, and discussion
  • Weekly gatherings around fellowship, prayer and Scripture
  • Daily habits of grace and devotion to God, world, neighbor, creation, and self

Scholarship Information

  • Undergraduate Campolo Scholars receive a $2,000 scholarship
  • The award can be renewed each year and will be added to any previously earned academic or merit scholarship

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