Tony is well known for his “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin’!” sermon.
Life can often feel as though we are living in even more of a Good Friday world.
To encourage you during this Easter season, we wanted to share Tony’s most inspirational sermon. You can watch it by playing the video below. PLEASE NOTE there is a 20-second delay to the start of the video.
Remember, “It’s only Friday… but Sunday’s coming!”
“It’s Friday… Jesus was nailed dead on a cross.
But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!”
It’s Friday… Mary’s crying her eyes out ‘cause her Jesus is dead.
But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!
It’s Friday… The disciples are running around like sheep without a shepherd.
But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!
It’s Friday… Pilate’s strutting around washing his hands ‘cause he thinks he’s got all the power and victory.
But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!
It’s Friday… People are saying “as things have been so they shall be – you can’t change anything in this world.”
But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!
It’s Friday… Satan’s doing a jig saying, “I control the whole world.”
But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!
It’s Friday… The temple veil ripped from top to bottom -the earth shook- the rocks split and tombs opened. The centurion screamed in fear, “Truly, He is the Son of God!”
But it’s only Friday; Sunday’s coming!
It’s Sunday- “The angel, like dazzling lightening, rolled the stone away exclaiming, “He is not here! He is risen!”
It’s Sunday! It’s Sunday! It is Sunday!” – Dr. Tony Campolo
Originally posted April 11, 2022