2020 has been a trying year. And yet, as we approach the conclusion of it, the season of Advent and Christmas offers hopeful expectation and celebration of the birth of our Savior.

It’s when, despite the challenges of the day, we can celebrate that God is Emmanuel; literally, “God with us.” It’s the joyful reality that God does not leave us alone, especially during challenging times.

And it’s a reminder that as we each seek to be like Jesus, we do so by following him into incarnational ministry with our neighbors, co‐workers, family members… and even our enemies.

Each one of us is called to such a ministry. As servants of Christ, we do what he did in embodying the Gospel. We go out into our communities (in creative and innovative ways during this mysterious Covid-19 era!) to share the Good News of Jesus – through word and deed.

This is the task for all Christians. And it is a task that each Campolo Scholar takes seriously as they dedicate themselves to preparing for a life of Christian service and ministry. In the coming weeks, I look forward to celebrating the season by sharing examples of the ways God is using our Scholars.


Originally posted December 3, 2020